Transfer of Property After Death Without a Will

Did you know that 67 percent of people in the United States don’t have a will or an estate plan? Most of these people don’t have a plan because they just haven’t done it yet. Others claim they don’t have enough assets to pass on, or they simply don’t know how to. Knowing how the transfer of […]

Can You Sell a Home with Outstanding Property Liens?

Let’s paint a picture: you’re getting ready to sell your property. You’re figuring out all the details so that you can put it on the market and you’re starting to get excited. You have all kinds of ideas for what you’re going to do once the house is sold. Then you find out you have property liens on […]

When Should You Make a Will and Testament?

Most people have heard the phrase, “last will and testament”, but do you really know what it means? Are these two different things? Does everyone have to write one? If you have questions like these about getting a will and testament, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to find the answers to your […]

This Is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust

Do you have children? Do you own assets? Then protecting your estate after you’re gone is a must. If you don’t legally plan your estate, the courts will have to do it for you. Having your wishes written down in a legal document can spare your loved ones a lot of difficulties and unwanted family friction. […]

Don’t Lose Your Estate: Make a Will

According to Forbes almost 50% of people over the age of 55 do not have a will. Further, only 18% of people over 55 years of age have all the estate planning essentials, including a will, durable power of attorney, and health care directive. Keep reading to learn the importance of a will, whether you can make […]

Inherited a House? Here’s What You Need to Know

Receiving an inheritance is surprisingly common in the US. From 1989 to 2007, nearly 21% of Americans received an inheritance. Yet, there’s no handbook telling you what to do if you’ve inherited a house. And when it comes to legal issues like taxes, you can’t afford not to be in the know. That’s why we’re bringing you […]

7 Things to Consider When Making a Will That You Probably Don’t Know

In 2020, only 32% of people say they have a will or another type of estate planning document. The fact of life is that you never know when it is going to end. It is smart to have a will in place just in case. There’s more to making a will than most people think. To help […]

5 Things You Should Never Include in Your Will [Revealed]

Having a will is important to ensure your last wishes and assets are carried out and distributed. If you’re one of the 42% of Americans that have a will, there are a few things you shouldn’t add. If you have the following items included in your will, then consider making some changes to avoid confusion or redundancy. 1. […]

Will vs. Estate Planning: What’s the Difference?

According to a recent poll, only 44% of American adults have a will. If you are among the 56% that do not have a will, you might want to create one. When you die without a will, you place a court in charge of making your decisions. Do you want to avoid this? If so, you […]

The Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist

Are you trying to begin your estate plan but you’re not sure where to start? Sometimes this can be the hardest part. We’re here to help. Look through our estate planning checklist so that you can make sure all your bases are covered. Answer the following questions to get started on your own estate plan. […]